Friday, July 31, 2009

I saw the light(s).

I know it is already this weekend but this is a pic from last weekend. Sean and I went to the Luminara Festival at Beacon Hill Park, something I have been wanting to do since the first year we moved to Victoria but have only gotten around to actually going this year. Does it take 8 years to get things done in anyone else's world? As luck would have it, it rained. Not a light drizzle. It poured. Thunder and lighting too. No precipitation of any kind for months, beautiful and sunny all day long, dusk arrives, the candles all get lit and within minutes people are taking cover under the trees and hundreds of paper lanterns collapsed into a drippy mess. Mother Nature did offer up her own display of lights in the way of a beautiful sunset...oh, and lighting. It was fun just the same though. The displays were great, the entertainment prior to dusk was fantastic, and our company was second to none. (Tam, Marc, Barb, Art and my little Buckaroo)
That pink thing on the top of his head, that was a lantern.

There is Felix and his Mama admirering a very cool fairy tree.

Some very cool guy that agreed to take on the role of his girlfriends lantern holder.
Side note: his girlfriend made that thing and it, along with a very large glowing cupcake hat that I saw later that night, won my "best creations" award.

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

In the spring Sean took his little Bob Cat and scraped out a hillside of overgrown ivy just to see what was under there. There was rock. Lots and lots of rock. But I think, in the process of doing what he did, he stirred up some old dirt containing some dormant poppy seeds from days gone by. I think that now the ivy is thinned out there is way more light getting to the ground. Or maybe there was a wind last fall that carried with it some seeds from the neighbors. It could have been a squirrel. Whatever it was, I am grateful for, because now surprise poppys are growing there. Beautiful ones that I have never seen before.

Poppys are my favorite flower.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Hey Girls, check out your new rooms!

This is what your rooms looked like this morning.
Lexi's room.

Xana's room.

This is what they looked like tonight.

Lexi's room with Russell dog.

Xana's room with russell's bum.

For Yvonne

My friend asked me to send her some pics of our house in progress so here we go....

This is me standing in a prickly thicket trying to get the whole house in one shot.
The part of the house with the curved roof and out of control wisteria is the original part of the house.

This is the new part of the house. This will eventually look like a grand entrance.

This is the side of the house that you would first see as you start up the driveway. The door and window on the bottom level will be our new office. That part sticking out to the left,way back behind there, that is my kitchen. (original house) The top floor is where the girl's bedrooms and bathroom is as well as Marie-Claude's office and the guest room. When ya all commin' to visit
The middle floor is the shared party room.
The part of the house off to the right is Lewis and Marie-Claude's side.

And this is the view from my front porch where I occasionally sit and drink coffee.

Monday, July 13, 2009

My Garden

Here are some of the highlights of my weedy, overgrown, construction debrised, garden/yard.

Look closely, there are two windows behind that crazy whisteria.

Sunday, July 12, 2009

My how time flys away.

What the....has it been 5 months?!?

Well here is little of what I have done since then.

Drove Xana to 14 jazz dance classes.
Drove Xana to 28 ballet classes. Thankfully she had two classes back to back or it would have been 42.
Picked her up from all those classes too.
Picked Lexi and her friend up from 14 ballet classes.
Drove Xana to 10 voice lessons.
Drove xana to about 30 violin lessons.
2 dance rehersals.
1 violin/piano rehersal
1 voice rehersal.
2 dance recitals.
3 violin/piano recitals.
1 voice recital.
2 class picnics.
1 class presentation.
1 class project hosted at our house under the condition that I did not speak.
2 book club nights
a few soccar games for Lexi.
7 performances in the Greater Victoria Arts Festival for Xana.
1 locker cleanout.
1 broken heart. It's hard being 12 and oh so much more mature that the boys tha age.
2 trips to the Koots.
made popcorn for 4 hot lunches
and 1 movie night at Lexi's school.
1 trip to Vancouver for a French Camp meeting.
Spent approx 56 days with baby boy Felix.

Took the trash and recycling out 9 times.
Read with Lexi in her classroom 5 times.
Took the girls to the library 10 times.
Hung a clothes line.
Took Lexi and Maxime to swimming lessons 5 times.
1 piano exam.
1 violin exam.
distributed fruits and veggies to Lexi's school 4 times.
Spent the 1 long weekend in Seattle. They have the best zoo!

Worked a little but not nearly as much as I should have.
Packed 148 lunches.
Washed way too much laundry.
Discovered Wayne Dyer and am very happy about it.
Walked the dog almost every day.
Didn't read nearly enough.
Didn't scrapbook at all.
Mowed the lawn once, yes, just once.
Did 2 sodukos.
Got 1 haircut.
Participated in 1 easter egg hunt.

Ok that was all completly random but you get the idea.
Here's to all the busy, happy Moms out there.